Diaspora refers to the people who have left their homelands and settled down to another country .The word has come from ancient Greek origin. It means to scatter about (Qovbv) .They stay from place to place and country to country around the world. The fall (cZb) of Constantinople , the African Trans- Atlantic Slave Trade , the coolie trade , the departure (cÖ¯vb) of Palestinians in the 20th century shows the testimony (mvÿ¨/cÖgvY) of diaspora .There are many causes of becoming Diaspora .Enforcement (ejcÖqvM) , imperialism (mv¤ªvR¨ev`) , difference between two communities , trade migration , labor migration , social coherence (m½wZ) , capitalism (cyuwRev`) , globalization (wek^vqb) , conflict (ØÜ) among the countries , social value , economic fluctuation (IVv-bvgv) , political unrest (ivRbwZK Aw¯ZiZv), religion , color , caste (RvwZ), creed (MvÎ) and so on are mainly responsible for this .Sometimes, they are forced (ejcÖqvM Kiv nq) to leave (QvoZ) their own country .Sometimes , they are threatened (nygwK `Iqv nq) to do it .Some diasporas communities maintain strong political ties (eÜb) with their own country. There are many diasporas in various cities in the world. Even, they play a vital role in their politics. If we go through or look at the 56th Parliamentary election in UK, we can see that three Bangladeshis were elected (wbev©wPZ) members of parliament .The elected lawmakers are Rushnara Ali , Tulip Rizwana Siddiq and Rupa Asha Huq .We are really proud of them and cant ignore their inevitable (Acwinvh©) contribution (Ae`vb) as diasporas.